All Eyes on Jesus, All the Time

by Mike Killebrew

Have you ever felt a deep sense of awe and wonder, captivated by something so grand it produced feelings beyond words? One of the most historic, awe-inspiring, and widely watched events in television history was when Commander Neil Armstrong and Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle on the surface of the moon. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong became the first person to step onto the moon’s surface, a moment broadcast live to a worldwide audience. It is estimated that 650 million people watched on their household or neighbors' TVs as the first human walked on the moon. The entire world was watching and intently focused on his every move, making him the center of global attention for a short time. All eyes were on Neil Armstrong when he said, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” This was a captivating, attention-grabbing, and memorable event. Yet, as breathtaking as that moment was, it pales in comparison to the awe we can experience when we fix our eyes on Jesus. 

While the world marveled at a man stepping onto the moon, an even greater awe awaits us when we fix our eyes on Jesus—the One who stepped into our world to redeem us. 

It is our hope in the e2 office that, as you look back at 2024 in your walk with Jesus, there have been moments that are captivating, attention-grabbing, and memorable! If not, the year isn’t over yet! This is the last issue of BeEncouraged in 2024, a year themed around “All eyes on Jesus,” based on Hebrews 12:2. We’ve spent the year focusing on the 12 spiritual disciplines as outlined in Richard Foster’s book, Celebration of Discipline. I’m excited that we’ve ended the year studying the discipline of worship because worship has everything to do with keeping “All eyes on Jesus.” I believe the phrase “all eyes on Jesus” is an exceptionally good definition of what true worship is all about. Worshiping God happens when we exclusively put Him first.  

Ultimately, what we focus on becomes the recipient of our worship and will shape our lives. So, an important question to ask at the end of 2024 is: what has our focus been? What has captivated your attention this year? How have you spent your precious time, talent, and treasure? Please take a moment and ask yourself those questions, a reality check. 

It’s possible that, with honest self-evaluation, we may find that we are partially devoted to the same things our culture worships: houses, money, retirement plans, vacations, celebrities, comforts, and success. In and of themselves, none of these things are bad. But when we value these things more than we value God, we end up inadvertently worshiping that which is secondary. Secondary things can never satisfy our core longings. Only a loving relationship with our Lord and Savior can do that. As we wrap up 2024, let’s be sure to practice the discipline of worshiping our Creator, keeping all eyes on Jesus. 

Worship is not something we do just in isolated moments; it is a lifestyle—a rhythm of daily living that honors God. Every action, from the way we work and serve others to our mindset, can be an act of worship. As Romans 12:1 urges, we are called to “offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” 

In practicing the discipline of worship, we acknowledge God in all things, align our hearts with His will, and live in constant gratitude for His presence in our lives. The more we engage in worship, the more we are transformed into His likeness, living a life that is a continual offering of praise. 

As we approach the end of 2024, I encourage you to set aside time to reflect on His faithfulness, offer heartfelt praise, and begin 2025 with a renewed commitment to a lifestyle of worship. Remember, worship is more than just a Sunday morning ritual; it’s a daily choice that transforms our hearts and minds. By prioritizing worship, we align ourselves with God’s purpose and experience the fullness of His love. Let’s make a conscious effort to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. As we do so, we will discover a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him. As the world once fixed its attention on a man walking on the moon, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, walking with Him every moment, all the time. 


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