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WHY give to e2?
This ministry is becoming a movement. What began with the publishing of a few books in recent years to help elders in the Midwest, is now growing and moving across the country and around the world. With over 50,000 books in circulation—and in six languages—e2 is fulfilling its vision of equipping elders to lead. This is a movement among leaders serving the local church, and when elders lead more effectively, the church becomes more healthy, and healthy things grow. Please help e2 to advance the kingdom of God by investing in elders!
Your tax-deductible gift enables us to equip and encourage Elder Teams across the country and around the world to lead the Church more effectively. Your generosity will enable us to pursue many initiatives in our next three year plan. On behalf of the thousands of elders served by e2, we are sincerely grateful to you for your financial support. We cannot attempt what we do without your partnership.
HOW do I give to e2?
You can send checks to:
e2 Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 39030
Indianapolis, IN 46239
If you’d like to give electronically, you may fill out the form below. Thank you for your generous gift!
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e2 Ministries, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and as such, you may list your gifts to e2 as itemized deductions on your federal tax return.