Beautiful Confession of Faith
by Ellen Clodfelter
This month we are focused on the discipline of confession. The Bible says to confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed. If I were Catholic, I would need to confess my sins to the priest, so the thought of having to go into Gary Johnson’s office and confess my sins to him terrifies me.
I try to be a good person and not have many sins to confess. I go to church every Sunday, I’ve never cheated on my husband, I don’t do drugs, I’m a good mother. I’ve never been arrested and only got one speeding ticket. Yes, I try to be a good person.
But when I put myself up to God’s definition of a good person, I might not score as well. The Ten Commandments are a pretty good test to see if I measure up. Let’s see.
Here is my confession. Lord, I have failed you in many ways and have broken your commandments repeatedly. I have made many people and things a greater priority than you. I waste so much time that it seems like I worship other things. I am ashamed, that while wearing the name Christian, I have not been very Christ-like. I am sorry that you have given me a day to rest but I have been too busy with other things. Lord, I have not always honored my parents, especially in my thoughts. Please forgive me for being angry with people and having murdered them in my heart. For the times I have looked at another man who is not my husband, I am ashamed. I have said the words, “I wish” or “I want” too many times. For the times I have gossiped about people around me, I am sorry. Lord, please forgive me.
When I compare myself to God’s standards of holiness, I am a failure and not worthy to enter the Kingdom of God. I am ashamed, for I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I have been weighed in the balance and been found wanting. I have sinned and done evil in God’s sight. Of all sinners, I am the worst. Lord, I have a broken and contrite heart. I know my punishment is death.
I’m so glad that Romans 6:23 doesn’t end with the word “death.” It goes on to say, “But the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus.” No one can be worthy enough to stand on their own before God, but Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
This is where my fear of the word confession of sins becomes a beautiful word of confession of faith. The Bible says to confess your faith every day, when you rise and when you lay down. Confess your faith to everyone around you, especially to your family, your children, and your friends. Write it on the walls in your house. Don’t just speak it with your mouth but shout it out for everyone to hear.
May the name of the Lord be praised. Now, go out and let the world know your confession of faith.