Courage: Something is Better than Nothing

by Paulette Stamper


I read one of my favorite passages recently. I’ve read it countless times before, but this time, one particular phrase stood out to me, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. 

You know the story of Elijah and the big showdown between him and the prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18). These prophets “ate at Jezebel’s table,” which means they were most likely on the government’s payroll. These false prophets led the Israelites to sacrifice their children. Not much has changed. Many wicked leaders in our current day government openly fund institutions that sacrifice children. Idol worship and child sacrifice isn’t the main point of my post today, but it does help to set the scene. 

Elijah called for all the people of Israel to gather on the mountain. When they gathered around him, Elijah made a blunt, bold and courageous statement:   

“How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is god, follow him...” (1 Kings 18:21). 

Here’s what got me:  

“...AND THE PEOPLE SAID NOTHING” (1 Kings 18:21).  

Um, excuse me? They said what?? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

I can’t help but wonder, was saying nothing instead of something how they ended up there, to begin with? If they had said SOMETHING instead of NOTHING long before the mountain showdown, would it have made a difference in Israel? I believe it would have. 

Maybe we should ask ourselves if saying SOMETHING instead of NOTHING characterized the majority of Christ-followers, would our nation be where it is now?

Let’s be honest. Saying nothing requires zero courage. Saying nothing has left plenty of room for the enemy to advance. Saying nothing has made it increasingly difficult to protect the most innocent among us. “The people said nothing” should never describe the people of God. We have something worthwhile to say in every situation because we are entrusted with the very words of God.  

Jesus said because of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. We see this happening in our nation and across the world. Christ-followers need the same Spirit of courage that propelled Elijah to the top of the mountain, where he faced the enemy head-on.  

We need the same spirit of courage to confront the darkness that has gripped our nation and world. 

We need the same spirit of courage to call “evil” what God calls “evil.” 

We need the same spirit of courage to preach repentance. 

We need the same spirit of courage to take the gospel of peace to a lost world. 

We need the same spirit of courage that emboldens us to stand and speak even when no one else does. 

Finally, we need the same spirit of courage that boldly asks God to display His power and turn the hearts of His people back to Him. 

Let’s put on the spiritual armor we need to fight this battle (Ephesians 6:10-18). Let’s be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks us about the hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15). Let’s study God’s Word to show ourselves approved and learn Scripture so we can handle it correctly (2 Timothy 2:15). Why? Because the days of God’s people saying nothing is over. Now is the time and the day to say something! 


A Good Word - Courage


Compassion Compels