God’s Vessel
by Sunny Boatman
Thank you for being God’s vessel! Thank you for pouring out His love, giving when perhaps you don’t feel like giving, valuing what God values, standing according to His laws, and showing others how to live. Following is a quick glimpse into the depth of my appreciation for women who, like you, were willing to be a vessel used by God.
I, once a shy, overweight high schooler felt God calling. I married while in college, the “perfect” student becoming the proud wife of a minister. Eleven years later, divorce happened. Suddenly the big “D” was stamped on my forehead. Gone was the marriage, the pride, any sense of self-worth and certainly any remote chance that God might use me! I did not believe He could or would. I simply wanted to be invisible, in the back, cleaning pews or scrubbing floors. I definitely didn’t think of leadership!
Jesus, the gentle Shepherd, patiently & lovingly showed me over and over again that wrapped in His embrace, walking in obedience, and accepting His grace was the absolute best! God’s family demonstrated consistent willingness to use what little I had to offer, gradually entrusting me with more and more until I was once again leading a group, then leading a larger group … and years down the road, full-time in mission work.
Leadership didn’t happen because of my spouse or because of excellent grades. Leaders, such as yourself, offered hope. They channeled God’s love and grace. They demonstrated readiness to walk alongside, believing God cared for even the least! They encouraged and gave increasing responsibility.
You, dear woman of God, are like one described above, the salt of the earth, that which enhances the “flavor” of what is touched, one who helps prolong life. You provide light to those struggling with dark days. You are a peacemaker, bringing hurting women, teens, children, and men into restored relationship with God. Your mercy reshapes lives! Would you believe, sometimes just your smile or your patient listening is enough to encourage and comfort another?
The Holy Spirit enables you to visualize what is not yet seen and nourish into existence what wasn’t previously present. You, yes, you! Yet not just you! The Holy Spirit empowers your life to create unknown ripples and waves of impact today, tomorrow, months from now and for years to come … even for the eternity of others!
Thank you for abiding in & drawing nourishment from the true, life-giving Vine, Jesus Christ. Thank you for opening yourself as a conduit, a vessel, of God’s love. Thank you for bowing before God and believing the Holy Spirit empowers. Keep your hands lifted high in praise of the One from whom all life, all energy, all “flavor” flows and your heart ever ready to meditate on HIS sustaining Word. TRUST Him! Read Psalm 9:7-10 and John 15:1-17 as you reflect today.