Guidance Together: Independence to Interdependence

by Mike Killebrew

We are just a few days away from celebrating July 4th, and I always look forward to celebrating our country’s Independence Day. We have much to celebrate! As a resident of the US, I get to live in a nation founded by the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the path that was taken to where we are today. Plus, there are fireworks! How can you go wrong with a backyard BBQ on a warm summer night while watching colorful explosions in the air?  

Celebrating July 4th has also become a good time for extended family gatherings, and I love that! 

Independence is a great thing to celebrate in the context of the 4th of July! Our attitude of independence is a wonderful gift, so long as it does not keep us from the right kind of dependence. Jesus taught His followers that they were a part of His body. As believers, we are part of the family of God. In 1 Corinthians 12, we read that each independent individual has an important part in the church body, becoming interdependent. No part of the body of Christ functions by itself, nourishing itself or serving itself alone. It’s such a wonderful analogy. Simply stated, we belong together, not apart. 

I have always appreciated the phrase, “let’s go, but let’s go together.” 

As we have been blogging this year on spiritual disciplines, I’ve come to appreciate the concept of corporate disciplines like that of GUIDANCE, which we’ve been focusing on this month. I have most frequently pursued spiritual disciplines as an individual, but I intensely enjoy doing things together. There is something special about being with a group of people who have similar goals; and I have personally experienced the goodness of community on countless occasions. 

While God works in and through us as individuals, He also works through the group experience. I’m not referring to majority rule but to discerning together where God is leading. 

This is a skill from the past, but I’ve always enjoyed orienteering. There is something special for me about looking at a topographical map and compass and navigating through the wilderness. GPS technology has rapidly taken the place of maps in most settings, but sometimes in a true wilderness experience there is no cell signal, or at least the phone or GPS device isn’t reliable enough to count on. That’s my kind of place, and a map and compass are non-negotiable tools of necessity. I can speak from experience: bad things happen when they’re not used and left in the backpack until you are lost. I always keep my eyes on the map and compass while in a wilderness setting!  

Most of my experience with a map and compass has been in a group setting, as I don’t usually go into the wilderness by myself. I’m reminded of the parallels with the word of God. Without the guidance of a map and compass, it is harder or impossible to arrive at the destination. As other e2 bloggers have mentioned this month, one of the best places to get guidance from God is through Scripture! 

I would add that using Scripture in a group setting is a powerful addition. It allows us to gain insights that we might miss when studying alone. Each person brings their unique understanding, experiences, and revelations, enriching the collective interpretation and application of God’s Word. In a group, we can discuss, debate, and delve deeper into the meaning and application of Scripture, fostering a richer, more nuanced understanding. Together, we receive guidance from God. I have been richly blessed in the past just listening to someone else share insights. The Lord has given me great insights and understanding through the Holy Spirit moving through someone else!  

Moreover, studying Scripture together holds us accountable. It encourages us to stay committed to our spiritual growth and helps us apply biblical principles in our daily lives. When we share our thoughts and struggles with others, we find support, encouragement, and sometimes gentle correction, which is essential. 

In the early church, believers often gathered to read and discuss scripture together, seeking to understand God’s will as a community. This practice not only strengthened their faith but also unified them as the Body of Christ. Today, we can follow their example by making group Scripture study a regular part of our spiritual disciplines. In doing so, we not only grow individually but also collectively, building a strong, supportive faith community. 

As we move forward in our faith walk, let’s remember the importance of coming together to seek guidance from God’s word. Don’t leave your spiritual tools unused like a map and compass left in a backpack, only to be pulled out as a last resort after becoming lost. Together, we can navigate the complexities of life, support each other, and ultimately grow closer to God. If you are currently a part of a discipleship group or Bible study, stay consistent with it. If you are not part of a Bible study, go and find or start one. God will be praised, and you will be blessed. 


Trees Bearing Guidance