My Dream of Scripture Study

by Laura Harrigan

I see myself up early every morning on the back porch watching the sun rise with a cup of delicious coffee in my hand pouring over the Scriptures to start my day. 

And then I wake up. 

I was baptized at the age of 9 and ever since I have heard from a multitude of various sources the best time to study the Bible and spend time with God is first thing in the morning. But it just doesn’t seem to work for me. I am not a morning person so getting up early is a real struggle. I know I should be more disciplined and if I really wanted to, I would make time for what’s important. But I have come to realize that you have to do what works for you in your particular season of life.  

Right now, that means that I do a lot of listening to the Bible while I am doing dishes or laundry and praying throughout my day as God brings names and situations to mind. But the one thing that helps me the most with consistently studying the Bible is accountability. 

Currently I am attending a weekly women’s group where we listen to and discuss a study, we are all going through together. Over the years I have felt compelled to participate in a variety of studies like this. Whether it was a year-long study of a particular book of the Bible, weekly studies based on the sermon at our church, or a 6-week couple’s devotion with a few friends, the one common denominator that helped me be consistent in studying the Word was accountability. The value of accountability is knowing that each week I was going to be asked about my time in the Scriptures and how I was growing in my faith.  

Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us: 

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

And in 1 Thessalonians 5:11: 

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you’re already doing.  

What about you? What works best for you? No matter when you take time each week to study God's Word, I would challenge you to make sure you are consistently connecting with a person or group of people to hold you accountable, to encourage you, and so that you can encourage them in return. We are not meant to walk this journey of faith alone. Reach out to someone today and ask them to check in with you each week. Give them permission to ask how you are doing in reading God’s Word. You can also reach out to your church and see about connecting to a Bible study.  

So … my dream of being up before the sun and studying in the peaceful quiet of the morning will probably remain a dream for now. But I will gather with friends and fellow believers each week to talk about what God is teaching us. I pray that you will too!  


Fairway to Faith: Insights on Studying God’s Word


Scripture Study, not Sunday School Pins