Patience in Waiting

by Alison Hankins

Some of my earliest memories are the drives to my grandparents’ house, who lived an hour away. It always seemed like it took forever to get there and I’m confident I asked the popular question a million times throughout the years, “Are we there yet?”  

Waiting… Waiting isn’t easy. Most of the time, we want what we want right now. No matter our age, we will always have to wait for something. A baby waits to be fed or changed. A child waits for a turn or until they’re old enough to do something. As adults waiting continues. We wait in line to check out at the store, wait at a stop light, wait for test results, wait for healing, wait for answers to prayers.  

Patience goes hand in hand with waiting. As a teenager, I remember my mom spoke at a women’s retreat and shared some examples of her own impatience. She was always in a hurry, so she never liked making Jell-O because she didn’t want to wait on it to set. Our world now has become even more fast paced. It seems like most people, including myself, are in a hurry, going from one thing to the next. If I want Jell-O, most likely I’m going to buy some that’s already made. I’m not going to wait on it to gel either. I don’t have the patience. 

However, when I look back on my life, seasons of waiting stand out; waiting for my mom’s battle with cancer to end, waiting for God’s direction in my ministry, waiting for healing from past hurts, waiting to date, waiting to get married, waiting to have children. These seasons of waiting stand out not because I was still and unmoving or because God was still and unmoving. These seasons of waiting stand out because God used those times in my life to mold and shape who I was to become. It is through the waiting I grew in my faith and my reliance on God. While waiting I leaned in, digging deeper to trust God, which also then taught me patience. Have I mastered the virtue of patience? The answer would be a quick, “No!” Maybe that is another reason God continues to give me opportunities to fine-tune this fruit of the Spirit in my life.  

When I am tired and weary from waiting, God has given me truths I can cling to from His Word as an encouragement. I can remember that my times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15). I can ask for help to glory in my sufferings because I know suffering produces perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3 – 4). I can ask for help to hope for what I do not yet have and wait patiently (Romans 8:25). I can remember this is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). I can choose to trust the Lord, no matter what (Proverbs 3:5 – 6) 

What are you waiting for from God? 

As you wait, do you believe you are exercising the fruit of the Spirit of patience? 

Are there any verses you can pray to guide you on days or in moments of waiting when you need encouragement? 

What do you believe God is calling you to do or to become while you wait? 

Take time to ask God for patience while you wait. Remember God is in control, and you can trust Him no matter what, especially as you wait. His Holy Spirit will help you when you choose to rely on Him and I’m confident your relationship with Him will become that much sweeter because of it. 


Developing the Virtue of Patience


A Good Word - Patience