Soul Care - Prayer

by Mary Elsbury

Have you ever watched the movie, The War Room? It’s about an older woman who mentors a younger woman who faces many challenges. Her secret weapon? – a space she calls her war room where she tacks up lists of Scripture and specific prayers for individuals. It’s her closet where she can go and be alone with God. 

Our world is loud. It’s distracting and it’s fighting to keep us from communicating with God. 

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you know how social media and television try to draw us away from truth and what matters. That’s why prayer is so important. 

The reality is that we can connect with God on an intimate level every day through prayer. Many of us are lazy and unfocused. How many times have you told someone you would pray for them and then, poof! – it never happens? I believe that to communicate well, you need a plan. I use a prayer journal where I can be specific. It allows me to think clearly. It is broken down into Scriptures to meditate on; to specifically name leaders and current events, people in my community, people I love and care about, friends that are facing trials and decisions, personal hurts that are hard to forgive, and goals to accomplish. I like being able to visually see where I was in my walk with God and to see how far I have come by His grace. (NOTE: If you are interested in starting a prayer journal, I will gift copies to the first three ladies who contact me at 

So many are probably saying, “Yeah, right, but I’ve got (fill in the blank: kids, work, etc.).” My reply is “make time.” Get up 10 minutes earlier for a conversation with the Creator of the Universe. If you have a busy schedule, then add a 15-minute block for yourself to just be still. 

Start with thanking God for His presence, give Him praise and adoration for how He has intervened in your life. Start by asking God to quiet your mind so you won’t be distracted, and to speak to you. Although God is constantly present with you, you can sense His presence. The Bible promises that when you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8).  

Ask God to use your prayer times to help you become more like Jesus. Don’t hesitate to express even your most difficult feelings and thoughts. God already knows them but wants you to communicate with Him and invite Him to work in the situations that concern you. Keep in mind that God loves you unconditionally and offers you mercy and grace. After you pray about various situations in your life, shift your focus from your circumstances to Jesus, meditate on how Jesus would approach the situations you’re facing, and pray for the power you need to take the same approach yourself.  

Start a conversation with God that will fuel your soul and even your day. Whether it takes place in a closet war room or sitting on your couch or at the breakfast table, prayer will change how you interact with family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers. Prayer is worth the time you put into it. It’s the greatest investment we can make in our marriages, kids, communities, businesses, friendships, everything


Prayer: Overcoming Problems


Prayer: 2 Minutes?