Soul Care - Scripture Study

by Mary Elsbury

Every summer since 2007, I challenge myself to read through the entire Bible in 90 days. From Memorial Day through Labor Day, I spend time reading the Word of God. It never fails to impact me – the stories of forgiveness, restoration, healing, struggle, and blessings are such an encouragement, especially considering today’s world. 

This spring, I urged my Bible Study group to do the same. Using it as a foundation for our fall study, the ladies will be digging into just Scripture. Our basic format consists of looking at various truths, examples, and commands that are documented in God’s Word. This form of study reminds me of when I was a kid and had to get the training wheels taken off my bicycle. I didn’t have the security those wheels provided, I had to focus and trust that my previous experience on the bike wouldn’t fail me. In the same way, not having specific formulative questions is providing a new method to guide, equip, and reveal insights to enhance my relationship with God and others. 

No matter what format you use, when reading Scripture, consider asking some basic questions about the passage being studied. The typical journalistic questions may be helpful: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Try to determine the main subject of the passage being studied: who wrote it; who originally received it and in what context; is there a key verse that could sum up that passage being studied; what insights may hold a reference to God, Christ, human nature, or behavior in general; or is there some aspect of the passage that is relevant on a practical level in your own life? The Bible is meant to instruct and impact us, so when you are studying the Bible, bring it into your life and let it instruct, impact, and edify you! 

I’m excited about this new season of study with a great group of women that are seeking to learn and internalize what Scripture teaches about God and helps grow our ability to express our faith and share it with others that are wanting to know Jesus more. 

No matter where you are in your walk with God, I encourage you to start spending time in His Word today and be determined to stick with it. Surround yourself with a community of believers that want to know God on a more intimate level that will cheer you on and provide new insights into certain passages of Scripture that may have puzzled you. You’ll find that every time you study the Bible and pay attention to what you are reading, you will learn something. 

Jesus says in John 8:31-32 (AMP), “If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples. And you will know the truth...and the truth will set you free....” 

These verses have brought me to a simple conclusion: If we don’t study God’s Word consistently and apply this truth to our lives, we will lack the power we need to mature in Christ and glorify God in this world.


Scripture Study, not Sunday School Pins


Study Scripture like a Fire Hose