Soul Care - Witness

by Mary Elsbury

If you are old like me, you have been witness to many remarkable things over the years: color television, the assassination of a president, man walking on the moon, microwave ovens, computers, cell phones. The list could go on. 

One major change is witnessing the difference when someone gives their life to Christ. For me, I had aways been a “good girl” who went to mass and followed the rules. At college, I met two girls that changed my viewpoint and introduced me to Jesus. Their lives painted a picture of someone who had stresses but leaned on a source outside of themselves to live a joy-filled life. Observing them and seeing the change Christ made influenced me. Hearing stories of transformation made me want to hear more – and be more than just a “good girl.” 

Scripture is filled with these stories of transformation after seeing how Jesus changed a life. Think about the early Disciples, the woman at the well, and Paul. They listened to what Jesus had to say and saw first-hand the difference He could made. Once their lives were touched by Christ, they couldn’t help but share with others. 

Are we the same way? 

Jesus Christ's last command was to make disciples. This command, which the church calls the Great Commission, was not intended just for the remaining disciples. It is the responsibility of everyone who professes faith in Christ as Lord. Helping to fulfill the Great Commission is both a duty and a privilege. We witness because we love Christ and because He loves us. We witness because we want to honor and obey Him.  

You don’t have to be a preacher. You can just be yourself. Let your life be a testimony that others can witness – and decide they want to be transformed.  

“But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them unless someone is sent to do it?”   Romans 10:14-16 The Message 

I’m looking forward to seeing many more remarkable things in my lifetime. How about you? 


Boldness and Opportunity


His Will be Done