Stronger in our Personal Finances
by Mike Killebrew
My wife Kelley and I have had the privilege to walk alongside several people as they have moved towards healthier personal finances. We have engaged in some financial coaching through a ministry at our church and it has been thrilling to have a front row seat to watch others choose things like contentment, diligence, margin, and generosity! Choosing a biblical way to manage their money. It is always a blessing to walk with someone who is moving towards a healthier place and not letting finances be a barrier to health in other areas of life.
Finances can be a touchy subject. We all approach finances from different backgrounds and viewpoints. The great thing is that God has a lot to say about how we handle money. Scripture is full of instruction on handling money, there are roughly 2,350 verses concerning money. Jesus had much to say about money, nearly 15% of his words are related to money and possessions. Perhaps one of the reasons that Scripture devotes so much to the topic of money is that it can be a significant barrier to our walk with Jesus. In our materialistically obsessed culture, money can become a shallow well that we try to draw from instead of relying on the satisfaction that comes from fully trusting in Jesus. In our culture obsessed with more, we can easily allow the pursuit of money to become a barrier. Additionally, because of poor decisions and mismanagement of finances it becomes a distraction consuming us with worry and fear.
Do you have any barriers in your relationship with Jesus created because of your financial situation? God clearly doesn’t want barriers between Him and His creation. He loves you much more than some money issues. It might be big for you but it’s small for Him! Money is a necessary tool, and each of us are responsible for managing the money God’s entrusted to us.
So how do you make sure you stay on a solid financial footing? Perhaps it’s time to start paying more attention! If you take your eye off the map, you will certainly get lost, or it will be much harder to get to the destination. Managing our personal finances can easily become an item we neglect and without realizing it, can become a substantial barrier.
Money is not stagnant. It's always moving, always flowing from one thing to another. That makes it hard to manage and making it something that requires attention. Money often flows away from those who don't manage it and toward those who do. The biggest part of managing it is knowing what you have and what you're going to do with it. It may be time to pay more attention to the resources that God has given to you.
Proverbs 27:23 challenges us to "know the state of [our] flocks." In ancient days, flocks and herds were a common currency. They were the measure of personal wealth and the foundation for the monetary system of the day. Those who wanted to build wealth knew all the details about their animal assets. It's no different today. If you want to be barrier free, you've got to manage what you have. Know the condition of your flocks and pay attention to your herds. If you don't manage your money, the lack of money will always manage you, leaving you with barriers difficult to overcome.
How do you manage your flocks and herds? How do you take control of your finances?
That’s a good question for all of us to ask. If your personal finances are creating a spiritual barrier in your life that needs to be torn down, consider taking drastic action. Learn to know the condition of your financial picture. Don’t be afraid to be practical. Consider asking someone for help or consulting with a ministry that specializes in finances who can help you come up with a strategic plan to budget, live within your means, eliminate debt, be generous, save for emergencies and the future.
Develop a Budget: Creating a budget is the first step towards financial stability. A budget sounds restrictive but it’s the opposite. It is freeing because a budget allows you to have a clear understanding of your income and expenses, and it helps you to prioritize your spending. Start by tracking your expenses for a month to identify where your money is going. Then, create a budget based on your income and expenses, making sure to allocate some money towards giving, savings and debt reduction. Stick to your budget and adjust it as necessary.
Eliminate Debt: Take steps to eliminate debt. Paying off debt will free up money that can be used towards savings and investments and generosity. Consider seeking help from a financial coach or counselor if you need assistance with debt management. Sometimes that outside voice is just what is needed.
Save for Emergencies and the Future: Building an emergency fund is critical to avoid financial setbacks in the event of unexpected expenses or loss of income. Save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. Additionally, start planning by saving for retirement, children's education, and other long-term goals.
Managing personal finances can be challenging, but it's essential to take control of your financial situation to avoid barriers to a healthy relationship with God. By developing a budget, eliminating debt, giving, saving for emergencies and the future, you can strengthen your financial foundation and experience greater peace of mind.
Lastly, if you are good at the practical side of managing your flocks and herds, consider helping others out with what you have learned. Consider starting a ministry in your church or workplace to meet these needs. Meeting practical needs is one of the most effective ways to point people towards Jesus. There are many people in our spheres of influence that could benefit from you sharing practical skills. I’m always amazed at the ministry opportunity during a conversation of budgeting, debt elimination, giving, and saving for the future.