A Good Word

by Gary Johnson

Weary yet? Not even a week is past in this new year, and we are inundated with bad news. Continual “breaking news” brings word of a broken world. We hear of escalating crime rates and COVID infections, of increasing tensions between countries and political parties. And if it’s not the national news, we hear of discouraging developments that are more personal. Word comes to us of family or friends struggling in some manner. Tired of this trend?

Words matter. Words have impact and that is why we are devoting our podcasts this year to A Good Word. After all, “…how good is a timely word” (Proverbs 15:23). The Apostle Paul commands us: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29). Like waves constantly crashing along the shoreline, we want to bring wave after wave of good words that build up, strengthen, encourage and challenge each of us.

This past fall, our e2 team sat down and discussed how all of us could benefit from hearing a constant barrage of good words. Working together, our team put many words on a white-board and then we began reducing them to a list of twelve – one word for every month of 2022. Each month, our weekly podcasts will feature a specific word that is explored, developed, pursued, and experienced in our individual lives. This will be of benefit to both young and old, men and women, staff and elders, and more. We ask and encourage you to share the posts with others, particularly those who you know need to hear a good word in this season of life. You can subscribe to our podcast at YOUTUBE/INSERT or follow us on FACEBOOK or INSTRAGRAM where it posts each Tuesday.

Our month-to-month list of life-giving words are…

  • January - Surrender

  • February - Compassion

  • March - Courage

  • April - Hope

  • May - Priority

  • June - Patience

  • July - Rest

  • August - Urgency

  • September - Unity

  • October - Forgive

  • November - Humility

  • December - Faithful

We read in Acts of a remarkable leader in the church. His name was Joseph, and he was of the tribe of Levi. Yet, we do not remember him by his formal name. We know and speak of him by his nickname, one that was given to him by the apostles, and that name was Barnabas (Acts 4:36). Barnabas actually means “son of encouragement.” Imagine being given a nickname by others because of the way that you lived your life.

What if we could – and would – do the same? What if we devoted this year to bringing one good word after another into the lives of discouraged, broken people who matter to us? Whether in our homes, at work, in the neighborhood, even at church, we have friends and family who will benefit by you and I bringing wave after wave of encouragement through our words.

Bad news may travel, but good news will transform.

Please join us in this journey.


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