Successful or Succeeding at What Doesn’t Matter?

by Ellen Clodfelter

I love being creative and using my hands to make something. I can sew, crochet, embroider, quilt, and cross-stitch. For several years, I have even had my own booth at craft fairs and have done well. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and pride when someone is willing to pay for an item I have made. In this area of my life, I feel successful but in many other areas I feel a lot less adequate.  

The world says if you are in school, success is getting good grades or being popular. If you are on a sports team, success means winning. Success at work depends on whether you get promoted and a raise. If you are single, success means getting married. If you are a parent, success means having well behaved and high achieving kids. All you need to do is try harder, work harder, change your perspective, think positively, be committed, and be more productive.  

The problem is, how hard do I have to try? How much harder do I have to work? How much more energy do I need to expend? I’m exhausted before I even begin to try.  

There is a man in the Bible who knew exactly what it was like to have worldly success. This young man was a very rich prince who had many possessions. He put his faith and trust into his wealth, possessions, and accomplishments. This man came to Jesus confident that he was successful but went away sad because he learned that his entire life was dedicated to being successful with things that don’t matter.  

The things I mentioned above do not really matter, there is nothing I can do—no way I can perform—that will make God love me any more or less than He does right now. I cannot contribute to my salvation since it has nothing to do with my worldly successes and everything to do with my surrender to Christ. 

Therefore, I am determined to be the salt of the earth. I will persevere. I will have hope. I will love. I will have faith. I will let my light shine. I will not be conformed to this world. I will enter the narrow gate. I will fight the good fight. I will finish the race. I will keep the faith. I want to hear Jesus to say to me, “Good and faithful servant.” I want to carry my cross daily. I want to be successful at what matters! 

So, I ask you, are you successful or just succeeding at things that don’t really matter? 


A Good Word


Christmas Future