e2 Women
by Debbie Poer
Since its beginning, e2 founders, Gary Johnson, Jim Estep, and David Roadcup have discussed how e2 effective elders might draw alongside the wives of elders to engage, encourage, and equip them. Last year at the Lead Well retreat for elders of partner churches we asked their wives that very question and received great comments and suggestions. Our next step was to develop the book, NOT JUST AN ELDER’S WIFE, Living With Passion and Purpose, which was published in May (and can be ordered HERE). Now, we are excited to announce the new ministry e2 Women. I am honored that I have been invited to serve women by leading this new ministry.
Designed to serve women who are wives of elders or in ministry leadership roles our prayer is that e2 Women will provide a place for these women to engage with one another as women who serve in various roles and types of ministries; to be encouraged by women who have similar experiences, as well as by those who lead e2 Women; and to become better equipped as ministry stories are shared and through resources e2 Women can provide.
Remember, this is a baby organization, so we need your patience and your help as we grow forward. I would love to hear from you – first, to get to know you and then, to learn how we might serve you and suggestions for the types of resources you might want or need. Feel free to contact me at debbie@e2elders.org or by cell phone at 317-437-5343.
As a beginning point for you – if you are the wife of an elder or a woman in ministry leadership – join our private e2 Women Facebook group. We want this to be a place where, right now, you can engage with one another, encourage one another, and help equip one another for your service in the name of Jesus!
I’m looking forward to meeting you at the Summer Conference in July (Friday, July 23, 5:00 PM to Saturday, July 24, 2:00 PM). It would be a great way for the wives of elders and other women in leadership from your church to be together as a group – to get to know one another better AND to get to know women from other churches who have similar roles. I will be around all day on Friday, so if you would like to come early to meet let me know. I would love to do that! For Summer Conference information and registration CLICK HERE.
God has richly blessed e2 effective elders since its founding and we are excited to see where he is going to take e2 Women and how he is going to bless each of us through it!