Introducing e2 Women!

by Gary Johnson


This week, e2 “turned nine years old!”   We celebrated our ninth anniversary, and we have much for which to give thanks.  In this short time, we have put a little over 60,000 books in circulation—and in five languages (soon to be six), spoken to over 9,000 elders and church leaders in our conferences, and even have churches contacting us from other countries asking for help in developing elders.

e2 Women

Our newest initiative is the launch of our ministry to the wives of elders and other women in the local church.  This new initiative, e2 Women, is being led by Debbie Poer, a woman who has served in ministry for 20 years and has a heart to serve other women. Debbie can be reached at, as well as through the e2 Women Facebook page.   

This new aspect of our ministry has a three-fold purpose, and that being to engage, encourage and equip.  Debbie and her team will engage the wives of elders and other women in the local church in personal, authentic friendship.  Whether through email, on the phone or over a cup of coffee, the team will build sincere friendships, one conversation at a time, so that e2 Women is built on a foundation of true community.   

Just as Barnabas was known as a “brother of encouragement,” (Acts 4:36), Debbie and her team will draw alongside to encourage elders’ wives and women of faith.  Remember, “Barnabas” was a nickname.  His real name was Joseph, and he was of the tribe of Levi, and because of his nature and practice to encourage others, Joseph was given the nickname Barnabas.  It is our hope and prayer that e2 Women will become known for many acts of encouragement.   

And with life becoming all the more challenging, e2 Women will work hard to equip elders’ wives and women of faith into stronger women of God.  Our culture continues to move further away from Christ and His Church, so ALL of us – man and woman alike – need to be thoroughly equipped to reach others with the help and hope that only Jesus Christ offers.   

1 + Jesus = a Majority

Have you ever flown on a Boeing 777?  It is the largest twin-engine passenger plane flying today. Boeing designed their “Triple 7” to fly or land with only one engine, but what it cannot do is take off on one engine.  It needs both engines at full thrust to get off the ground and soar into the air. 

Similarly, if we are to “soar on wings like eagles,” we must put our hope in the Lord (Isaiah 40:31).  Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5).  Whether leading the local church or weathering the challenges we face personally, we can only do so effectively with the Lord.  We do not need to pray and ask Jesus “to be with us” – He already promised He would always be with us (Matthew 28:20).  A more appropriate prayer would be to ask the Lord to open our eyes so that we can see and sense His presence and to open our ears so that we can hear His voice from the printed page of His Word and from His people. 

In this season of chaos, we need the strong presence of Jesus as never before.  Conflict exists inside the church as much as outside of it.  Confusion reigns in the minds of Christians as often as it does in the minds of those who are not yet followers of Jesus.  Within the local church, elders face leadership challenges regarding race, sexual identity, spiritual immaturity, financial stability, relational unity and more.  Only by turning to and reaching for the strong presence of Jesus will we be able to lead in relevant and effective ways that honor God. 

Question: How are YOU walking with and abiding in Jesus?  On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the strongest), how would you rate your spiritual health in the Lord?  The more we walk with the Lord, the better we lead His church.

Lead well.


The 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership


e2 Women