Rest and Renewal

by Debbie Poer

How often have you heard these words spoken by a friend, “I’m so tired,” or “I don’t have enough time to rest”? How often have you thought or spoken those very words about your own life? A more important question is, “How often do I make time to truly rest?” Even for a few hours? For a day? For multiple days? 

Over the last several months I have been intentionally reviewing my own life and activities, trying to get a better handle on how I incorporate rest into them. I have spent time asking myself, “Do I observe a Sabbath rest? If so, how often and for how long?” Sadly, I have to admit I have not been very good at resting in a biblical sense, to listen and hear God speak into my life. And sometimes my attitude and behavior have reflected that.  

Again and again in Scripture we find Jesus removing himself from the crowds for a time of rest and renewal. Matthew 4 tells of Jesus’ time alone in the desert as he prepared for his ministry. In Luke 5:16 we read, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” In Luke 9:10 we read, “Then he took them (the disciples) with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida.” If Jesus found it important for himself and for his disciples to withdraw for their work and ministry, how much more important it is for me to do so?  

One Sunday in May after hearing a sermon on making time for Sabbath rest, I was having a conversation with a dear friend. We were discussing our busy lives and how the sermon had spoken to us. As a result, we committed to (separately) make time for a 24-to 48-hour retreat sometime during June, July, or August. In the coming week I will be spending a 24-hour period in quiet – with my Bible, paper, and a pen – waiting to hear God’s words spoken to and over me. Hopefully, I will come away with a renewed mind, body, and soul, ready to serve in a fresh new way and will be more mindful of observing a Sabbath on a regular basis going forward. 

Throughout July, e2 is reflecting on A Good Word – REST. There are several people who will be sharing with us their thoughts about spiritual and physical rest for our bodies and for our souls. As we begin this journey together at the end of this article are a few resources that might help get you started and encourage you to make time for rest

May these shared resources encourage you to hear Jesus’ words, “Come, to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) and make time for a Sabbath rest


  • Soul Feast by Marjorie J. Thompson; this book offers a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing these practices. 

  • Sabbath by Wayne Muller; In today’s world we have lost the necessary rhythm of life, the balance between work and rest. Wayne Muller shows us how to create a special time of rest, delight, and renewal – a refuge for our souls. 

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer; A fascinating roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world. 



  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center, Clinton, Illinois 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Cedar Lake Ministries, Cedar Lake, Indiana 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis, Indiana 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Rest Ministries, Shepherd’s Gate Inn, Martinsville, Indiana 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Higher Ground Conference & Retreat Center, West Harrison, Indiana 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Potter’s Rand Wilderness Retreat, Union, Kentucky 

    • Visit their website HERE 

  • Woodland Lakes Christian Camp & Retreat Center, Amelia, Ohio     

    • Visit their website HERE 


A Good Word - Rest


Patience & Self-Control