Soul Care - Home

by Mary Elsbury

I love home restoration shows. One of my favorite shows is “Good Bones” on HGTV. I am fortunate to live in Indianapolis where the show is located and have seen many of the transformations from rundown, dilapidated structures to gorgeous homes. Designs vary but one thing is always constant: is the house structurally sound? To take an eyesore and turn it into a palace, it must have a firm foundation. 

Our lives function on the same principle – if we don’t have a strong foundation, centered on Christ as the Cornerstone, we won’t have a strong home. 2 Timothy 3:5-7 says that there are people out there in this world that look really nice and godly, but they are actually really nasty. They have “…the appearance of godliness but deny its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins, and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” 

Think about who and what you let into your home. Are you watching television, listening to podcasts, and scrolling through the internet? Do you listen and believe everything you hear, or do you measure it against the Word of God and test to see if it’s true? Satan is using so many seemingly innocuous mediums to attack our families, so we need to be mindful of what we are allowing into our lives. 

Here are a few things you can do now to build a strong home. First, read your Bible. Write down what confuses you. We are blessed to have a guidebook that shows us what not to do – and what to do – in almost every aspect of life. Carve out at least 15 minutes per day to read this amazing book. Consider it your Owner’s Manual. If you don’t read it, you won’t know how to proceed. 

Second, pray. Everyone is busy, but you need to take time to thank God for His grace and mercy. Whether you are single or married, sitting before God, and listening for His voice will give you guidance. Ask your kids, spouse, friends how you can pray for them and let them know how they can pray for you. This simple act of vulnerability will draw you closer together and continue to strengthen your bond. 

Third, surround yourself with a community of believers. Go to church. Spend time together, laughing, crying, talking, arguing, and praying. This group will be there during your best and worst moments.  

I’m thankful that I’ve had several strong men and women speak into my life over the years. Each one of them shared truths from God’s Word that challenged, encouraged, and even rebuked me, all while pointing to our firm foundation, Jesus Christ. Whether you’re married or single, childless, empty-nesting, or with a house full of kids, strengthening your home through the truth of God’s Word has never been more important!  


Stronger Home


Money: It’s Bananas