The Time is Now

by Paulette Stamper

To my sisters who see passed the narrative, 

To my sisters who are awake in the Spirit, 

To my sisters who sense the battle in the heavenly realms, 

To my sisters who know they are called –  


You know who you are. You have a stirring deep within that you can neither describe nor contain. I have a word for you. 

God called Jeremiah to be a prophet during a time very much like you and I are living in right now. Listen carefully to the Lord's word –  

"See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to UPROOT and TEAR DOWN, to DESTROY and OVERTHROW, to BUILD and to PLANT." (Jeremiah 1:10)

Let me remind you that we have weapons with DIVINE POWER to DEMOLISH strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). 

If there has ever been time for us to take a stand and fight, it is NOW. 

Rise up! You and I are commissioned to: 

UPROOT evil that has deep roots in every area of our society  

TEAR DOWN the altars that are defiant against the One True God 

DESTROY every false teaching that comes against God's Word  

OVERTHROW wicked establishments that seek to kill, steal, and destroy what God has declared good 

Only when we are obedient to this calling can we then begin to BUILD and PLANT. 

To my sisters whose soul stirs when they read God's calling on Jeremiah - you are not alone. 

God is raising up His daughters for such a time as this. Do not be afraid.  

Now is the time to take a stand against evil.  

Do not be afraid. 

Now is the time to speak with authority. 

Do not be afraid. 

Now is the time to fight. 

Do not be afraid.  

To my sisters who know that Satan has kicked it up a notch –  



Take a stand. 

The time is NOW.  

Jesus is worth it. 


Staff Assessment & Review


In a Culture of Incivility