e2’s office is closed Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day. Merry Christmas! We’ll resume shipping on Thursday the 2nd of January.
If you purchase something in error and need a refund, contact jared@e2elders.org and/or call 317.946.7448. Refunds are granted on a case-by-case basis. e2 is dedicated to protecting your personal information. We never sell your contact information to anyone for any reason. Your payment information is only available to our 3rd-party vendor payment processor, Stripe. Our website’s member area and records are secured and managed by Squarespace. e2 uses a 3rd-party, cloud-based database to manage our mailing list. We have, in the past, and may, in the future, share email addresses only with strategic partners for strategic reasons (such as surveying church leaders; partners include Center for Church Leadership Network and Renew.org).