Friends that are Like Family

by Ellen Clodfelter

I have known my best friend, Becky, for a long time. We met at church in the sixth grade, but what is funny is that I have known her even longer and didn’t realize it. We were in the same cabin years earlier at Camp Allendale. A few years ago, we were going through old pictures and pulled out this picture, and to our surprise, we were in the picture together. 

We were always good friends but when we roomed together at college, we became very close. We studied together, ate together, and went to church together. Oh, the stories we could tell… We caught my dorm mattress on fire, but that is a story for another time – maybe my next article. She got married the week before I did, and I was the Maid of Honor at her wedding, and she was the Matron of Honor at mine.  

Becky is an amazing woman, she has boundless energy, patience, and love. Her house is always spotless, beds are made, her kitchen is clean, and she has full meals prepared on the table every day. Her home is always full of laughter and love. She is also amazingly talented - she can sing, harmonize, and play the piano.  

Every time I’m in her home I am inspired to be a better wife, mother, housekeeper, and friend. She is the closest to a Proverbs 31 woman and wonderful example of what a true Christian woman should look like. Here are a few verses that she exemplifies.  

She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Prov. 31:15, 17, 25-30)

I once heard that friends are the family we get to choose, well, I chose Becky to be my sister, her husband is like a brother and our kids are like cousins. I can tell her anything and know that she will be there for me for encouragement, comfort, and prayer. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful friend. 

Just like I have chosen Becky to be my sister, we are so blessed that God has chosen us to be his children. We can come to Him with our concerns, our pain, our heavy burdens, and he will give us rest. We can rest in the assurance that we have been chosen to be a part of the family of God. 


Friendship Among Men


Stronger Families: Once Bitten, Twice … Repeat