Home: Becoming a Balaboosta

by Leah Johnson

Home. When in doubt, I start by looking in the dictionary. There were several definitions such as: 1) A place of care for people unable to care for themselves. 2) A social unit formed by a family living together in one dwelling.  

After using different dictionaries, none of the thirteen definitions seemed to encompass all that I associate with the word “home.” Mind you, I started writing this blog when it was colder outside, so I was thinking along the lines of hearth and home, fireplace and warmth, laughter accompanied by smiling faces. Yet, this Norman Rockwell painting depiction of an ideal home may not be reality for untold numbers of people.  

Balaboosta is a Yiddish word for a woman who looks after her household in all aspects: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and more. Not only does she look out for her own family, but also for the circles of her friends and neighbors. A balaboosta is a Philippians 2:3 type of person, one who “looks to the needs of others.” Speaking for myself, I am far from the Proverbs 31 gal who is the ideal wife, mother, neighbor, businesswoman, etc., yet the Spirit stirs me to more.  

What is the right next step for me – for you – when it comes to my home and yours, your place where a “social unit dwells together?” Even though we are in the month of May and long past the season of New Year resolutions, how can we live with a new resolve for our homes to reflect more of Jesus? 

Speaking for myself, I struggle with unfinished projects. Simply put, I procrastinate. This is NOT an attribute of Jesus. He had only three years to accomplish everything His Father sent Him to do—and Jesus accomplished it all (John 17:4), and His greatest work of all was His atoning death for my sin and yours when Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30).  

Solomon spoke wisdom in this regard: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Prov 6:10-11). Solomon even repeated these very words in Proverbs 24:33-34, and we know that if something is repeated, it is important! These verses shout volumes into my life, challenging me to do better. The next right step for me is to accomplish my list, maybe not at a frenzied pace, but certainly better than at my current pace.  

What is the next right step for you? How can you make your home a better, more Christlike dwelling? Maybe it’s a tone of voice, how money is spent, how much attention is paid to those who occupy that space. What do I need to work on, so this house becomes a home more reflective of the Christian values I say I follow? How can I be a balaboosta, looking after the needs of my household, being aware of how I can encourage others? Let’s agree to spend some time in prayer and discover how God is speaking to us to make our homes a safe and satisfying refuge from the world.  


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