e2 Women
Since its beginning, e2 founders, Gary Johnson, Jim Estep, and David Roadcup have discussed how e2 effective elders might draw alongside the wives of elders to engage, encourage, and equip them. Last year at the Lead Well retreat for elders of partner churches we asked their wives that very question and received great comments and suggestions. Our next step…
Taking Criticism
You are undoubtedly aware of Betsy Ross’ connection with our colonial flag, but what about our current 50-star design? You might say that “Bob” was the Betsy Ross of the twentieth century; his is an interesting story…
The Elder and Hospitality
32:7 Girl, Part 4
32:7 Girl, Part 3
I love the thought of God's daughters advancing against the kingdom of darkness as we embrace our identity as Psalm 32:7 girls. When we hide in God, we become courageous, and there's no shrinking back when we are courageous. Let's not stop there, though – there's more to the verse:
Bad Organ Player
Paul was a lead chemist for one of the major international pharmaceutical companies. He had been involved in the development of some of the most helpful medications prescribed by physicians today. I did not meet him until long after his retirement. He remained very active in life and in hands-on projects in the church after his retirement. As we were sharing coffee one day…
Memorial Days
On May 30th, 1868, General James A. Garfield (a Christian Church minister, and later president of the U.S.) stood before a crowd of some 5,000 in Arlington National Cemetery to memorialize those who had given their lives during the Civil War. Nearly 20,000 fallen soldiers were honored that day and their graves decorated. Thus, the name “Decoration Day” was coined. In time…
32:7 Girl, Part 2
David didn’t pray, “You are A hiding place” or “You are THE hiding place.” He prayed, “You are MY hiding place.” God is willing to hide those who choose to hide in Him. I hope this reminds you of the Participation Principle.
Introducing e2’s Bench
Friends, God is good! Next month, e2 will celebrate our ninth anniversary and as we do so, we give thanks to the Lord for how HE has developed this ministry. We never expected to have tens of thousands of books in circulation—and in six languages. We never expected to have spoken to over 9,000 elders and church leaders—in our conferences alone. We never expected…
32:7 Girl, Part 1
I want to be a 32:7 girl. I bet you will too. Let’s dive deep into Psalm 32:7 over the next several weeks and discover what it means to be a 32:7 girl. “You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7). Recently…
Politics is a Moral Pestilence
Dealing with division in the church continues to be a major work of elders. Squabbles have always existed in the church. A casual perusal of Paul’s letters proves the point. But I have never seen the kind of division that so many congregations face today.
Who are you going to please?
“The pursuit of happiness is a dangerous destination for any leader.”
One of the things that sets us apart as leaders is that we make decisions. When decisions are made, very seldom is everyone happy. We all want our opinion to matter. However, in our postmodern, post-Christian culture our opinion becomes more than an opinion – it becomes our truth. Consequently, people take to social media to voice their disagreement with a decision or idea. In a church setting it goes something like this…
What Kind of Shepherd are You?
When church leaders start talking about the metaphor of the pastor-shepherd oft used in Scripture to illustrate the elder role, most of us immediately envision the stereotypical shepherd image, staff in hand, leading his sheep. Lately, however, I’m more convinced our role as elder is far better illustrated by the sheepdog who works with the Good Shepherd to protect and lead the sheep.
So, what kind of (canine) shepherd are you?
Olfactory Fatigue
I love living out in the country: fresh air, hardwood trees, green meadows, fish in the pond, and a plethora animal fare to dine on in an apocalypse, if necessary. But there are times when living in the country has a downside.
Our German short-haired pointer, Wilson ...
Leaders Inspire
A major responsibility of a good leader is to inspire: to motivate people to release their creative juices and give their best in service to the Master. I am a better servant of the Lord because of the inspiration of certain preachers and teachers, a few of …
The 3 Ls of Great Shepherding
I have the utmost respect for those men who volunteer their time, energy and hearts shepherding God’s flock. And through the years, I’ve served with some great ones! You are undoubtedly familiar with education’s 3 Rs – reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic. How about I offer the 3 Ls of shepherding?
I Haven’t Come to Serve but BE Served
The global pandemic has not seen a drop in new scandals from widely known Christian leaders. It is tempting to think their fame and effectiveness is to blame. I believe that apparent connection is illusory.
Proceed On
If you were to go back and explore the history of the congregation I serve, it would be hard to find a year that went better than 2019. For us, it was a year defined by the completion of a new building, generous giving, and a record number of baptisms. As the calendar turned from 2019 to 2020, our team was convinced that we were entering into a season in which we would impact our community at a higher level than ever before. But …
What is truth?
In a 2020 survey conducted by Ligonier Ministries, 3,000 demographically balanced American adults, including 582 who identified as evangelicals, were asked to respond to the statement “Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God.” Fully 30% of evangelicals agreed with that statement. In response to …
The Leader and Risk
As a leader you have probably all heard these oft quoted risk numbers:
• Do NOT ride in automobiles: they cause 20% of all fatal accidents.
• Do NOT stay home: 17% of all accidents occur in the home.
• Do NOT walk on the streets or sidewalks: 14% of all accidents happen to pedestrians.
• Do NOT travel by air …