Hope In Tomorrow
Confident Hope
I was on the phone with a dear friend who asked what I was working on today. I shared that I'm about to begin writing an article on the topic of "hope." As a joke, I asked him, "Do you have any inspiration for me?" He paused for a moment and responded “No, I don’t hope. I’m confident.”
Hope Anchors the Soul
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast…(Heb. 6:19). Hope Anchors the Soul is one of my favorite wall hangings. Originally, the anchor was a symbol for hope in early Christianity…
Hope - the Best of Things
How would we define hope? It is a positive expectation for the future. Hope is our anchor, a tent peg for the future when storms hit us hard. Hope sustains …
Hope vs Hopelessness
Hope in this world?
Our lives are still reeling from a 2-year pandemic and over six million people have died. Everyone has either lost someone in their family or knows someone who has died from Covid. … Just as the pandemic began to slow down and our lives start to return to normal, Russia decided …
Jesus: Lord of Hope
Eighteen years ago in Chicago, Illinois, Frank Zindler, a primary spokesman for American Atheists Inc., entered into a public debate with William Craig, a Christian with a PhD in theology, in front of over 8,000 people, with scores of radio stations broadcasting the event. By the end it was no contest. Among those who had entered the auditorium …
Soul Care - Hope
Are you a control freak? Do you have issues with minor inconveniences that take place and then constantly mull over the whys and hows? Control freaks believe…
A Good Word: Hope
My brother has said that his favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. A short book became a long movie of nearly 2.5 hours. A subtle theme runs through it – until the final 2 minutes.
Godly Courage
Godly courage differs from secular courage. When the Bible talks about having courage, it’s within the context of setting out to accomplish God’s will in some manner or fashion. To take courage in these instances…
Courage to Stand Up & Speak Up
I love adventure. My favorite books to read for fun are historical adventures; I especially enjoy them if there is a survival story woven in. Books such as Unbroken, Into Thin Air or Endurance. While reading about the Endurance shipwreck being found, I can’t help but think of the story found in Acts chapter 27…
Soul Care - Courage
One of the first movies I remember watching was “The Wizard of Oz.” I loved the characters, the music, and the overall story. One of my favorite encounters involved the Lion. Dorothy quickly realizes he's all bluster…
Courage in Place of Fear
In the life to come we are promised a perfect environment, free from sin, temptation, anxiety and fear. There the lion will lie down with the lamb but not before. Unfortunately, this mortal life is still fraught with fears of all shapes and sizes…
Courage … to Share Jesus
“Hey, Lise,” my husband said on the phone one day. “This woman named Amy walked into the church office today and said she had questions about God. Lots of questions.” “Let me guess,” I smiled. “They sent her to you.” “Actually, I suggested that she grab coffee with you.” Gulp…
Courage … to Walk Away
“You have twenty minutes to share with three prospective elders everything you wish someone had shared with you before you became an elder.” That was the assignment given to Hardin …
A Good Word - Courage
Every man and woman who serves in our armed forces is required to go through boot camp, also known as basic training. All five branches of our nation’s military have this requirement. Whether individuals serve in …
Courage: Something is Better than Nothing
I read one of my favorite passages recently. I’ve read it countless times before, but this time, one particular phrase stood out to me, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. You know the story of Elijah and the big showdown …
Compassion Compels
Let’s admit it. The group that has the corporate corner on compassion is the ASPCA. Those late-night television commercials, showing malnourished, injured, and mistreated kittens and puppies, accompanied by “In the Arms of an Angel” ... and all you have to do to help stop it is send $19 per month…
Compassion @ Home - & Beyond
On a recent Sunday morning I was sitting in a worship service in the home church of dear friends when I noticed an older couple sitting across the aisle from me. At first, I thought the wife had fallen asleep leaning on her husband. After observing…