Enjoying Difficult People
Strange title for a book chapter, isn’t it: Enjoying Difficult People? Why not exiling, or at least enduring … perhaps we sometimes wish for erasing? Why enjoying difficult people?
Navigating & Implementing Change
Change is something we all talk about, but rarely do we ever actually study it in order to understand the process and do it well. … In a recent e2 blog, Mark Taylor provided this formula:
R = A/T ± S …
Faithful and Sure
These last few years I spent time dealing with where I was in my grief after the loss of my husband and grandchild to cancer. I have spent time lamenting in prayer and in the Word. God kept pointing out to me over and over again one of my favorite verses…
Building a Godly Family in an Ungodly World
The most important institution in time and space is the family. It is not the church, as vital and indispensable as the church is. ..
The Real Enemy
One of the things that perplexes me the most these days (and Lord knows I seem to stay perplexed pretty much 24/7) is how Christians – those who claim to follow the Lord Jesus Christ – are so divided against each other. We have forgotten two important things…
Soul Care
These days we are busy running errands, going to work, managing a household, volunteering at church, and so much more. There aren’t enough hours in the day. … We are tired.
Trivial Pursuit
Have you ever played the game Trivial Pursuit? It amazes me the amount of trivial information that bombards our lives on a daily basis. With the advent of the internet such insignificant knowledge has become even more prolific…
Preventing Elder Burnout
Tired of serving as an elder? Not looking forward to your next meeting? Putting off having that necessary conversation with a difficult person? When running a marathon (26.2 miles), “hitting the wall”…
God’s Got This
Weary & Burdened? Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28-30). Oh, how I needed to hear those words. Last week…
Stand Firm
I have always been encouraged by the number of times in Scripture I see the phrase “stand firm.” To me it is a phrase showing strength and endurance against the challenges and difficulties of life. One of the earliest examples…
Tough Days, Tougher Leaders
Whether you consider the COVID19 pandemic an obstacle to growth or an opportunity for growth in the life of your church, one thing on which we can all agree is that we have been through a challenging season…
Finish Well
People don’t remember how we come; they remember how we leave.
Unity Forms Community
Unity forms community; community forms yet more unity. It’s another of God’s perfect cycles. Something I'm continuing to learn is the importance of community.
To Reap a Harvest
When life gets tough or becomes discouraging, we can often decide to throw in the towel and walk away. However, in Galatians, Paul teaches us to do the opposite. I do not know about you, but I …
Pace Yourself
It’s wisdom suitable for a seasoned athlete – or a dedicated elder. With the COVID-delayed 2020 Summer Olympics beginning this month, many Americans will be tuning in to watch. Not all the Olympic events receive as much televised attention or fan interest, but all teach us lessons about skill and tenacity.
Metrics for the Local Church
Is your church counting “nickels, noses and notches?” Said in another way, is your church counting the offering, attendance and decisions (i.e., baptisms and transfer of membership)? If so, there is so much more to measure.
Far too many churches measure the effectiveness of their ministry only in terms of the number…
Ancient Wisdom – © 1981
Is there anyone out there who loves bookstores and libraries as much as I do? I love spending time in both places, exploring titles, buying, and borrowing, ultimately knowing I will have great encounters and adventures based on the books I read.
Recently when in a bookstore the back cover of a book…
When the Blue Funk Hits
Before we start, I already know that elder’s wives are always bubbly and cheerful and happy. You know, perky. 24-7-365. Everyone else believes we’re constantly overflowing with joy … except we’re not.
I’ve worn the cheerful face more than once when happy was dead last on my emotional registry.
The 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership
Serving as a local church elder can be a life path you choose or a life path that chooses you, a ministry to which you aspire or a ministry in which you are affirmed/appointed by your church. A sense of 'calling' from the Lord is vital, but that calling can be more subjective or more objective. Usually, it is some combination of both!
Introducing e2 Women!
This week, e2 “turned nine years old!” We celebrated our ninth anniversary, and we have much for which to give thanks. In this short time, we have put roughly 60,000 books in circulation—and in five languages (soon to be six), spoken to over 9,000 elders and church leaders in our conferences, and even have churches contacting us from other countries asking for help in developing elders.
Our newest initiative…